Lego Robotics: engineering and science made fun!!!

Lego Robotics and More

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Problems With the Claw

These are my notes from today's LEGO Robotics class: We need to make our robot lighter since it has gotten so heavy because of our claw. Also, the claw was crushing itself when it ran after closing so we replaced the 24-tooth spur gear which was connected to the crown gear with a clutch gear.
This is the LEGO clutch gear. It prevents the amount of torque from exceding a certain amount. This means that it will start slipping when our claw is still running when it is already closed. This way the claw will not keep pushing on itself when it closes and is still running.

Even though we solved the problem of our claw crushing itself the clutch gear kept coming off of the axel so we put a full bushing under it so it wouldn't slide off.


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