Lego Robotics: engineering and science made fun!!!

Lego Robotics and More

Sunday, September 17, 2006

More Challenges
Here are some more of this year's Nano Quest challenge:

Atomic Force Microscopy
Mission: Free the probe’s nanotip. The robot must separate the nanotip from the material surface. The nanotip separated from the surface is worth 40 points.

Mission: Start the self-alignment of atoms. The robot must cause the angled blue nanotube segments to align horizontally end to end. This alignment is worth 30 points.
Smart Medicine
Mission: Target medicine to reach only a specific problem spot. The robot must release the Buckyball containing medicine into the person’s arm. The Buckyball is placed anywhere in the red/yellow channel of the arm bone is worth 50 points (even if it hasn’t reached the problem spot).

My Comments: Though this mission may give 50 points it isn't that easy. In order to this mission you have to pick up the "Buckyball" which if you think about it will roll away if your robot hits it. Also, if you even pick up the "Buckyball" it is very difficult to out it into the"bone" accurately.

Nanotube Strength
Mission: Lift the truck by a thin cable of carbon nanotubes. The robot must move the truck onto the lift frame and activate the lift. The truck completely on the frame is worth 20 points. The truck and frame supported completely and only by the cable is worth an additional 20 points.


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